P-05-1062 Abandon the rt-PCR test for covid-19 testing as its unfit for purpose, Correspondence – Petitioner to Committee, 01.12.20

There is worldwide pushback on the deliberate misuse of the rt-PCR test! It should not need any additional supporting evidence. The PCR is an exceptional tool, but it was never designed for detecting an active viral infection. The resulting casedemic has decimated western nations. This fraud has been left to continue by the very people the population trusted (or landed up with) to be in positions of power and influence. But yet, here we are. I'm sure the is plenty of intelligence at the Senedd, so anyone actually paying attention to world affairs should've worked this out by now. If a health sciences Diploma of high education student can work it all out, I'm sure qualified medical professionals at the disposal of the Senedd should've worked it out, also. I guess it's down to citizen activism from people who have not much left to lose.

I trust this will be sufficient supporting evidence for the immediate decommissioning of the rt-PCR test. I'm happy to provide even more evidence if required.





